Collection Items: public.countries


Number of matching items: 241
Number of returned items: 10
Page: of

ID abbrev abbrev_len adm0_a3 adm0_a3_is adm0_a3_un adm0_a3_us adm0_a3_wb adm0_dif admin brk_a3 brk_diff brk_group brk_name continent economy featurecla fips_10_ formal_en formal_fr gdp_md_est gdp_year geou_dif geounit gid gu_a3 homepart income_grp iso_a2 iso_a3 iso_a3_eh iso_n3 labelrank lastcensus level long_len mapcolor13 mapcolor7 mapcolor8 mapcolor9 max_label min_label min_zoom name name_alt name_ar name_bn name_ciawf name_de name_el name_en name_es name_fr name_hi name_hu name_id name_it name_ja name_ko name_len name_long name_nl name_pl name_pt name_ru name_sort name_sv name_tr name_vi name_zh ne_id note_adm0 note_brk pop_est pop_rank pop_year postal region_un region_wb scalerank sov_a3 sovereignt su_a3 su_dif subregion subunit tiny type un_a3 wb_a2 wb_a3 wikidataid wikipedia woe_id woe_id_eh woe_note
1 Zimb. 5 ZWE ZWE -99 ZWE -99 0 Zimbabwe ZWE 0 None Zimbabwe Africa 5. Emerging region: G20 Admin-0 country ZI Republic of Zimbabwe None 28330.0 2016 0 Zimbabwe 1 ZWE 1 5. Low income ZW ZWE ZWE 716 3 2002 2 8 9 1 5 3 8.0 3.0 0.0 Zimbabwe None زيمبابوي জিম্বাবুয়ে Zimbabwe Simbabwe Ζιμπάμπουε Zimbabwe Zimbabue Zimbabwe ज़िम्बाब्वे Zimbabwe Zimbabwe Zimbabwe ジンバブエ 짐바브웨 8 Zimbabwe Zimbabwe Zimbabwe Zimbábue Зимбабве Zimbabwe Zimbabwe Zimbabve Zimbabwe 辛巴威 1159321441 None None 13805084 14 2017 ZW Africa Sub-Saharan Africa 1 ZWE Zimbabwe ZWE 0 Eastern Africa Zimbabwe -99 Sovereign country 716 ZW ZWE Q954 -99 23425004 23425004 Exact WOE match as country
2 Zambia 6 ZMB ZMB -99 ZMB -99 0 Zambia ZMB 0 None Zambia Africa 7. Least developed region Admin-0 country ZA Republic of Zambia None 65170.0 2016 0 Zambia 2 ZMB 1 4. Lower middle income ZM ZMB ZMB 894 3 2010 2 6 13 5 8 5 8.0 3.0 0.0 Zambia None زامبيا জাম্বিয়া Zambia Sambia Ζάμπια Zambia Zambia Zambie ज़ाम्बिया Zambia Zambia Zambia ザンビア 잠비아 6 Zambia Zambia Zambia Zâmbia Замбия Zambia Zambia Zambiya Zambia 赞比亚 1159321439 None None 15972000 14 2017 ZM Africa Sub-Saharan Africa 1 ZMB Zambia ZMB 0 Eastern Africa Zambia -99 Sovereign country 894 ZM ZMB Q953 -99 23425003 23425003 Exact WOE match as country
3 Yem. 4 YEM YEM -99 YEM -99 0 Yemen YEM 0 None Yemen Asia 7. Least developed region Admin-0 country YM Republic of Yemen None 73450.0 2016 0 Yemen 3 YEM 1 4. Lower middle income YE YEM YEM 887 3 2004 2 5 11 5 3 3 8.0 3.0 0.0 Yemen None اليمن ইয়েমেন Yemen Jemen Υεμένη Yemen Yemen Yémen यमन Jemen Yaman Yemen イエメン 예멘 5 Yemen Jemen Jemen Iémen Йемен Yemen, Rep. Jemen Yemen Yemen 也门 1159321425 None None 28036829 15 2017 YE Asia Middle East & North Africa 1 YEM Yemen YEM 0 Western Asia Yemen -99 Sovereign country 887 RY YEM Q805 -99 23425002 23425002 Exact WOE match as country
4 Viet. 5 VNM VNM -99 VNM -99 0 Vietnam VNM 0 None Vietnam Asia 5. Emerging region: G20 Admin-0 country VM Socialist Republic of Vietnam None 594900.0 2016 0 Vietnam 4 VNM 1 4. Lower middle income VN VNM VNM 704 2 2009 2 7 4 5 6 5 7.0 2.0 0.0 Vietnam None فيتنام ভিয়েতনাম Vietnam Vietnam Βιετνάμ Vietnam Vietnam Viêt Nam वियतनाम Vietnám Vietnam Vietnam ベトナム 베트남 7 Vietnam Vietnam Wietnam Vietname Вьетнам Vietnam Vietnam Vietnam Việt Nam 越南 1159321417 None None 96160163 16 2017 VN Asia East Asia & Pacific 3 VNM Vietnam VNM 0 South-Eastern Asia Vietnam 2 Sovereign country 704 VN VNM Q881 -99 23424984 23424984 Exact WOE match as country
5 Ven. 4 VEN VEN -99 VEN -99 0 Venezuela VEN 0 None Venezuela South America 5. Emerging region: G20 Admin-0 country VE Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela República Bolivariana de Venezuela 468600.0 2016 0 Venezuela 5 VEN 1 3. Upper middle income VE VEN VEN 862 3 2001 2 9 4 1 3 1 7.5 3.0 0.0 Venezuela None فنزويلا ভেনেজুয়েলা Venezuela Venezuela Βενεζουέλα Venezuela Venezuela Venezuela वेनेज़ुएला Venezuela Venezuela Venezuela ベネズエラ 베네수엘라 9 Venezuela Venezuela Wenezuela Venezuela Венесуэла Venezuela, RB Venezuela Venezuela Venezuela 委內瑞拉 1159321411 None None 31304016 15 2017 VE Americas Latin America & Caribbean 5 VEN Venezuela VEN 0 South America Venezuela -99 Sovereign country 862 VE VEN Q717 -99 23424982 23424982 Exact WOE match as country
6 Vat. 4 VAT VAT -99 VAT -99 0 Vatican VAT 0 None Vatican Europe 2. Developed region: nonG7 Admin-0 country VT State of the Vatican City None 0.0 0 0 Vatican 6 VAT 1 2. High income: nonOECD VA VAT VAT 336 6 -99 2 7 2 1 3 4 10.0 5.0 0.0 Vatican Holy See الفاتيكان ভ্যাটিকান সিটি Holy See (Vatican City) Vatikanstadt Βατικανό Vatican City Ciudad del Vaticano Vatican वैटिकन नगर Vatikán Vatikan Città del Vaticano バチカン 바티칸 시국 7 Vatican Vaticaanstad Watykan Vaticano Ватикан Vatican (Holy See) Vatikanstaten Vatikan Thành Vatican 梵蒂冈 1159321407 None None 1000 3 2015 V Europe Europe & Central Asia 6 VAT Vatican VAT 0 Southern Europe Vatican 4 Sovereign country 336 -99 -99 Q237 0 23424986 23424986 Exact WOE match as country
7 Van. 4 VUT VUT -99 VUT -99 0 Vanuatu VUT 0 None Vanuatu Oceania 7. Least developed region Admin-0 country NH Republic of Vanuatu None 723.0 2016 0 Vanuatu 7 VUT 1 4. Lower middle income VU VUT VUT 548 4 2009 2 7 3 6 3 7 9.0 4.0 0.0 Vanuatu None فانواتو ভানুয়াটু Vanuatu Vanuatu Βανουάτου Vanuatu Vanuatu Vanuatu वानूआटू Vanuatu Vanuatu Vanuatu バヌアツ 바누아투 7 Vanuatu Vanuatu Vanuatu Vanuatu Вануату Vanuatu Vanuatu Vanuatu Vanuatu 萬那杜 1159321421 None None 282814 10 2017 VU Oceania East Asia & Pacific 1 VUT Vanuatu VUT 0 Melanesia Vanuatu 2 Sovereign country 548 VU VUT Q686 -99 23424907 23424907 Exact WOE match as country
8 Uzb. 4 UZB UZB -99 UZB -99 0 Uzbekistan UZB 0 None Uzbekistan Asia 6. Developing region Admin-0 country UZ Republic of Uzbekistan None 202300.0 2016 0 Uzbekistan 8 UZB 1 4. Lower middle income UZ UZB UZB 860 3 1989 2 10 4 2 3 5 8.0 3.0 0.0 Uzbekistan None أوزبكستان উজবেকিস্তান Uzbekistan Usbekistan Ουζμπεκιστάν Uzbekistan Uzbekistán Ouzbékistan उज़्बेकिस्तान Üzbegisztán Uzbekistan Uzbekistan ウズベキスタン 우즈베키스탄 10 Uzbekistan Oezbekistan Uzbekistan Usbequistão Узбекистан Uzbekistan Uzbekistan Özbekistan Uzbekistan 乌兹别克斯坦 1159321405 None None 29748859 15 2017 UZ Asia Europe & Central Asia 1 UZB Uzbekistan UZB 0 Central Asia Uzbekistan 5 Sovereign country 860 UZ UZB Q265 -99 23424980 23424980 Exact WOE match as country
9 Ury. 4 URY URY -99 URY -99 0 Uruguay URY 0 None Uruguay South America 5. Emerging region: G20 Admin-0 country UY Oriental Republic of Uruguay None 73250.0 2016 0 Uruguay 9 URY 1 3. Upper middle income UY URY URY 858 4 2004 2 7 10 1 2 2 8.0 3.0 0.0 Uruguay None الأوروغواي উরুগুয়ে Uruguay Uruguay Ουρουγουάη Uruguay Uruguay Uruguay उरुग्वे Uruguay Uruguay Uruguay ウルグアイ 우루과이 7 Uruguay Uruguay Urugwaj Uruguai Уругвай Uruguay Uruguay Uruguay Uruguay 乌拉圭 1159321353 None None 3360148 12 2017 UY Americas Latin America & Caribbean 1 URY Uruguay URY 0 South America Uruguay -99 Sovereign country 858 UY URY Q77 -99 23424979 23424979 Exact WOE match as country
10 F.S.M. 6 FSM FSM -99 FSM -99 0 Federated States of Micronesia FSM 0 None Micronesia Oceania 6. Developing region Admin-0 country FM Federated States of Micronesia None 314.0 2016 0 Federated States of Micronesia 10 FSM 1 4. Lower middle income FM FSM FSM 583 6 2000 2 30 13 5 2 4 10.0 5.0 0.0 Micronesia None ولايات ميكرونيسيا المتحدة মাইক্রোনেশিয়া যুক্তরাজ্য Micronesia, Federated States of Mikronesien Μικρονησία Federated States of Micronesia Micronesia Micronésie माइक्रोनेशिया के संघीकृत राज्य Mikronéziai Szövetségi Államok Mikronesia Stati Federati di Micronesia ミクロネシア連邦 미크로네시아 연방 10 Federated States of Micronesia Micronesia Mikronezja Micronésia Микронезия Micronesia, Federated States of Mikronesiens federerade stater Mikronezya Micronesia 密克罗尼西亚联邦 1159320691 None None 104196 9 2017 FSM Oceania East Asia & Pacific 3 FSM Federated States of Micronesia FSM 0 Micronesia Federated States of Micronesia -99 Sovereign country 583 FM FSM Q702 -99 23424815 23424815 Exact WOE match as country